Day 5

Day 5 with Mom was great. She got a hospital bed and a walker, and things seem much easier for her. She ate some chicken and guess what? GODIVA CHOCOLATE! (her fave). The hospice nurse said that unfortunately, or I guess fortunately, Mom does not qualify for 24 hr nursing care, so as of today, I became "Becky Pelfrey, honorary RN!" Pretty good considering that the only classes I got D's in in college were the "-ology" classes. Anyway, we're hoping to find some respite care for me for the weekends. I need to be home with the kiddos and my wonderful husband, but Mom can't be alone. As she gets worse, an actual RN can stay with her on weekends, but at this moment, my main purpose is to be with her full-time, since she can't function alone. I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

Just found out that my friend Michelle Buttitta lost her sweet mother last night to the same cancer that my mom is battling, and another friend and former student, Lauren Siska lost her mother last week to cancer. I have no words to describe how angry I am that so many of us are losing our moms too soon. How can people say there is a good reason?

I wrote this post on Facebook today. I so adore my Facebook friends.
"Every single comment that every single one of you makes to me means the world to me. You all have been my strength, and will continue to be, I'm sure. Some people don't understand the magic of Facebook. I do. I SO do. ♥"

1 comment:

  1. I also was the caregiver for my sister Shirley when she was in the final stages of her disease. I am reading your posts and it is a painful reminder. You are a blessing to your mother. Once my sister got close to the end ... I never left her side. And it was really hard. But almost three years later...I am so glad I was there for her. I was away from my kids and husband for almost two weeks but those were the two most important weeks of my life. You are a wonderful daughter and person to do this for your mother. I will pray for you and your family as you go through this difficult time.


“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” ~ Dr. Seuss