How Technology is Trying to Embarrass Me

They used to call me "Becky Techie." I have been interested in technology since my first computer class, "Computer Math," way back in 1985.  I had my first personal computer, a Mac, in 1995, and taught myself a lot.  I was the first person my friends turned to for computer help, and many times, I regretted not getting a degree in that field.  When I was teaching, I was a certified teacher technology trainer, and helped each teacher I knew integrate a new "online gradebook," back when it wasn't even commonplace.  I loved desktop publishing, and started with Print Shop, before Photoshop was even a big thing.  I even taught myself HTML and made entire websites with it.  I stopped doing that in about 2005.


The following is a list of things that I have said or done recently, that show me that technology is trying to embarrass me:

  1. Yesterday, I asked my oldest son if he'd "bought the new Garth Brooks CD yet," to which he replied, "Um, Mom, I downloaded it the day it came out."  Oh yeah.  That's a thing. 
  2. I actually said to my kids "I don't even need a smart phone.  All I use it for is to call you guys, or text Dad. I have the computer at home."  eye roll
  3. After moving the monitor from one room to another (and falling down while carrying it, but being lucky and it landed on the bed), I came back in to move the CPU.  Yeah.  The CPU is built into our always has been. 
  4. Realized that we don't have DSL. It's not, nor has it been in awhile, hooked up to our phone lines.  Our internet is through UVerse, so it's through their network.  Or something.  I do know it's not dial-up, so there.  
  5. After installing my JASC PaintShop Pro 8 on our new computer, and looking for updates, I realized that JASC isn't even the owner of PaintShop any more.  It's Corel.
    And the the current version is X7.  There were at least 10 versions made since my PaintShop Pro 8 (no X).
  6. I just realized yesterday, that people actually make "vlogs," which would save a helluva lot of time! 
  7. I still tell the kids I "taped" shows for them.  
  8. I keep calling DVDs "CDs,"

This isn't even the complete list, but it's enough to make me realize that it's really true about "snoozing and losing" with technology.  Good gravy...I need a nap.  ;)

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“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” ~ Dr. Seuss