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As I sit here eating my homemade lobster bisque, I ponder the reasons why people feel the need to use Facebook as a sounding board for every minute detail of their lives, and it seems that the most common reason is when they want to vent about someone who has upset them. I have a particular friend whom I love dearly, but her posts have venom, even a lot of times when she is happy about something.
I've learned some valuable lessons myself about sharing things on Facebook that seem innocuous at the time, but are clearly not. Once, I shared my opinion that Planned Parenthood should remain open and funded. I found I was naive to think that everyone I knew would share my views. See, I never thought of Planned Parenthood as an "abortion center." I've always know them as a low cost place to get birth control and other reproductive health assistance. That they provided abortion information seemed the least reason that I used them. I didn't even know they did! After sharing my views on keeping them funded on Facebook, I was dumbfounded and almost embarrassed that so many of my girlfriends had an opposing view. From then on, I've made a few more misjudgments that assured me that people with extremely religious views and I are not copacetic. Facebook is just not the place for political and/or religious opinions, and as in the case with my friend, venting about another person.
I found the graphic above on Pinterest. It unbelievably describes what I have been thinking about the situation.
Stepping off, now...
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“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” ~ Dr. Seuss