I Like the Night Life..
...no, I don't like to boogie. Actually, yes I do. I love to dance. Granted, I dance as well as I sing, and know that I can't sing. Like, at all. So there you go. I have always liked to dance. I don't exactly like to share this, but as a teen I used to go into my bedroom at night and make up elaborate dances to songs I had recorded (on a cassette tape, mind you, it was the 80's). I would even "choreograph" dances that I would rehearse over and over again. I also had quite a few "friends" with whom I conversed about how hard "our" dances were. Ok fine, I talked to my dang self! I was a good friend, though, and I tell you, my "partners" were dang good dancers. As was I.

might have also played school and other various things while locked away in my room. Yes, I was teenager when I was doing these things. I was bizarre. I was skinny though, and always active. I was a baton twirler (majorette) and also in flag corps (aka color guard) during high school, and I liked to put my boom box in the front window of the house, and then go into the front yard and practice. I was such a nerd. Regardless, I never was very good at any of it. Mediocre was the norm for me, no matter how much I practiced my various "crafts." I'll admit though, if I could, I would turn on the TV and make up dances to things. I know, I know, I could just do it anyway, but since I am almost 48 years old, I'm not too sure I could "bust a move" comparable to the ones in high school. I'd more likely "bust a
hip," or in some other way render myself incapacitated for at least a few days. Plus, my downstairs neighbors would probably think we had adopted a bear or something similar in size.
I never really have a topic when I write this blog. I do pretty well by just writing from the top of my head. I'd like to think I'm kind of funny, and that's something else I'd like to practice in this blog. From my audience, all I need is a giggle or two, or an "oh my god [...Becky, look at her butt... I digress] I can totally relate to what she's saying." And she's gorgeous to boot. Is that too much to ask? By the way, I just realized, and I'm a freakin' English major, that ellipses are only three periods. I really missed
that memo in my 4000+ English classes.
It's 3:02 am and I'm not remotely sleepy. This will probably be an all-nighter for me. Maybe I could go make up a routine and practice until I get tired...nah. I'll probably just watch TV. Same difference.
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“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” ~ Dr. Seuss